Articles & Papers
- Ben Shneiderman: The Eight Golden Rules of Interface Design
- The Birth of Inter
- by Carmel DeAmicis; Figma, Aug. 8, 2019
- Building Your Color Palette
- Refactoring UI
- David Gelernter on Knowledge Management
- Experiences—A Pattern Language for User Interface Design
- Icons vs. Labels vs. Both *
- by Edward Sanchez
- Implementing a Pattern Library in the Real World: A Yahoo! Case Study
- Boxes and Arrows, Apr. 29, 2005
- Minimize Cognitive Load to Maximize Usability
- by Kathryn Whitenton; Nielsen Norman Group
- MIT's "clutter detector" could cut confusion
- Readability — How long should a temporary notification appear?
- User Experience Stack Exchange
- Shadows and Blur Effects in Modern UI Design
- XD Essentials: Adobe
- Strike a balance: User’s expertise on interface design
- IBM developerWorks
- Summary of UI Design Principles
- Typography for User Interfaces
- Understanding UI Design Rules, Part 1
- Task analysis and conceptual model
- Understanding UI Design Rules, Part 2
- System vocabulary and risk
- Unified Field Theory of Design
- Ambient Findability
- by Peter Morville
- Designing Interfaces
- by Jenifer Tidwell
- Software for Use
- by Larry Constantine & Lucy Lockwood
- Task-Centered User Interface Design
Design Software
- Adobe XD
- UI/UX design collaboration tool
- Axure
- Figma
- Collaborative interface design tool
- InVision Studio
- Digital product design, workflow & collaboration
- OmniGraffle
- Principle
- Sketch
- Batch
- Free icons
- Create tint or shade from RGB
- Stack Overflow
- GUIdebook > Screenshots
- Google Chart API
- Lorem Ipsum — All the Facts
- ManyEyes: Visualizations
- Paletton *
- Color scheme designer
- The Art of Unix Programming
- Ch. 11: Interfaces
- W3C Interaction Domain
- wxWidgets
Prototyping Resources
- IA Institute: Tools
- Wireframe templates & stencils
- Justinmind Prototyper
- Subscription-based
- Microsoft Visio
- Flowchart Maker & Diagramming Software
- Three Visio Tips
- Boxes and Arrows
- UI Stencils *
- The go-to wireframing tool
- Yahoo! Stencil Kits
- OmniGraffle, Visio, et al.