- The Basics of Web Application Security
- by Martin Fowler; Feb. 22, 2016
- The Browser Monopoly
- by Blair Reeves
- Build Kickstarter with Python and Flask
- by Brandon Chez
- Changing of the Guard in Web Technologies
- by Richard Lopes
- Component-based Development
- by Ben McCormick
- The Deep Roots of JavaScript Fatigue
- by Calvin French-Owen
- Hello, Nodal — Building Node.js Servers for Everybody
- Keith Horwood
- How to Write Unfancy Web Apps
- by Darshak Parikh
- Must-See JavaScript Dev Tools...
- by Eric Elliott; Nov. 27, 2015
- Server-Side Rendering with React, Node and Express
- Smashing Magazine
- State of the Art JavaScript in 2016
- by Francois Ward; Feb. 28, 2016
- Why I No Longer Use MVC Frameworks *
- by Jean-Jacques Dubray, Feb. 3, 2016
- Welcome to the Future of Web App Delivery
- by Ryan Florence; Jan. 4, 2016
- Why Static Website Generators are the Next Big Thing
- by Mathias Christensen
- Opinionated Rundown of JS Frameworks
- by Henrik Joreteg; Aug. 13, 2014
- Developing Backbone.js Applications
- by Addy Osmani
- Human JavaScript
- by Henrik Joreteg
- Eleventy – Home *
- Eleventy – Getting Started
- Beginner's Guide to Eleventy [Part I]
- Tatiana Mac
- Hosting Eleventy on GitHub Pages
- Quinn Dombrowski
- How to deploy your Eleventy website to GitHub Pages with GitHub Actions
- Maarten Tibau
- Modular code with Nunjucks and Eleventy
- Webstoemp
Frameworks: Ampersand.js
- Home
- Guides and tutorials
- API Documentation
- Ampersand.js in a nutshell
- Built with Ampersand, React, Babel & Webpack
Frameworks: Full Stack
Frameworks: Node-based
Frameworks: Python-based
- Enable CORS
- Cross-origin resource sharing
- Grunt: Task Runner
- Gulp: Taskflow automation
- NW.js
- Formerly node-webkit
- Rollup.js
- Sequelize *
- ORM for Node.js
- Docker
- Video Tutuorials
- SproutCore
- HTML5-based app framework
- Yeoman
- Scaffolding tool
- WebFaction Guide
- Applications and Websites
Static Site Generators
- Assemble
- Gatsby
- React.js
- Jekyll
- Metalsmith
- Roots
- StaticGen
- Top open-source static site generators
- VuePress
Text Editors
- CKEditor
- CKEditor: Accessibility
- Substance
- JavaScript library for web-based content editing
- TinyMCE
- TinyMCE: Accessibility
- TinyMCE in WordPress
- Comparison Table