XML Resources
Applications: DocBook
Applications: Misc.
- Architectural Design Patterns for XML Documents
- XML.com, Mar. 2003
- Beyond HTML: XML and Automated Web Processing *
- An excellent introduction to XML by Tim Bray
- Emacs, XML and Unicode
- by Tim Bray, Sep. 2003
- Learning from the Web, by Adam Bosworth *
- ACM Queue, Oct. 2005
- Printing XML
- Using CSS to output PDF
- RELAX NG and W3C XML Schema
- by James Clark, Jun. 2002
- Sane XML
- Simon St. Laurent
- Storing XML in Relational Databases
- XML.com, Jun. 2001
- Taking XML’s Measure
- Interview with Tim Bray, Sep. 2003
- Top 10 Interview Questions When Hiring XML Developers
- Using W3C XML Schema
- XML.com, Nov. 2000
- Using XInclude
- XML.com, Jul. 31, 2002
- XML, Java and the Future of the Web
- One of the 1st articles on XML, by Jon Bosak
- XML and Databases? Follow Your Nose
- XML.com, Oct. 2001
- XML and Semi-Structured Data
- by C. M. Sperberg-Mcqueen, World Wide Web Consortium
- XML for the Absolute Beginner
- JavaWorld, Apr. 1999
- Xpand your Site with XML
- TechWeb, Mar. 1998
Book Excerpts, FAQs & Tutorials
Developer Sites
Products & Companies
XML Parsers and Technologies
XML Specifications